Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Drawing the line for language defense

Nasken a mapolitisar dagiti mannurat ti baro a linea ti dangadang. Sadiay trencherayon , amin a mannurat ti literatura ilokana!

Ta apay koma? Akem tayo a protehiran ken pabaknangen ti lengguahe tayo. Adda monstro nga naglemlemeng idiay kasipngetan adu nga dekadan nga napalabas. Ngem naisarangen isuna ti Lawag. Saan isunan a makalemmeng. We have seen how he spews his venom northward. Now it has aimed its sharp claws to all of us, threatening to annihilate us in just one sweep of its sinister wings. It looks like an eagle, but it's not quite the eagle of IMPERIALISM past. No, this monster is more powerful than the eagle. It is a home-grown, endemic ASWANG.

Language is politics...and economics. Ti pagsasao ti kapanunutan ti umili. No baliwan tayo ti pagsaso tayo, agbaliw met dagiti panpanunot tayo. . Tenglem ti lengguahe ket tenglem met ti kapanunotan. Ti lengguahe ket turay. Ti lengguahe ke' politika.

Inggles ti internasional nga lenggauhe ta inggles ngarud ti lengguahe dagiti agdama nga natuturay nga nasnasion. Ket bayat ti panangaramat ti inggles dagiti babassit wenno popobre nga nasion ket lallalo na pay nga manaynayunan ti poder dagiti agttuturay nga nasion. Idi ugma, Latin ti internasional nga lengguahe gapu ta ti Imperio ti Roma ti naturay. Ania ti mekanismo iti daytoy nga siklo ti turay ken lengguahe? Simple laeng. Direct contact wenno imperialismo. Ngem uray awanen to directa nga imperialismo, new independent states tend to follow the language of their former colonial masters. Seoondly, the economic ties that perpetuate/remain after colonization or is developed after colonization also perpetuate the language of the trade partner who is economicaly developed because products will to exchanged in the language of the economically powerful partner. Advances in product development and R and D are also done by powerful nations in their languages and less developed nations have no choice but to follow. The word for the concept of "computer" will always be computer or computadora (or even ordenador) in the ilocano language for the simple reason that the computer was first developed by an english speaking powerful nation.

The backward loop in the cycle of language imperialism is what we may call the "Hollywood premium". This is none other than the higher economic gains of a dominant country because of the wide reach of its products. The easenes of market penetration by a dominant economic power in the less developed countres is made possible by the ability of these markets to understand the language of the economic power. Furthermore, as hollywood culture becomes widespread, products of entertainment and the arts are easily absorbed by the less developed economies.

But we need not look beyond our horizons to see langauge imperialism in its bloody frenzy of annihilating local culture. We have it in our midst, creating additional local markets for the powerful national center, spreading and perpetuating its media, music, literature and arts thereby enrichching its artists and media barons, occupying the corridors of power and policy making thereby perpetuating the unequal development among our regions.

Dayta nga monstro ket Tagalog, nga agparparang kas Filipino.

no makakita ka ti padam nga ilokano dita Manila ket kunana: hoy, pare, kumusta ka na ngayon? TUNGPAEM!!!

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